Y newyddion diweddaraf / The latest news

Newyddion da i’w rannu 07/07/2024

Ar ôl proses dendro ar gyfer y gwaith, gallwn gyhoeddi bod cwmni lleol wedi derbyn y dasg o wneud gwaith adnewyddu ar dafarn y Vale. Bydd Cartrefi’r Cwm yn dechrau arni yr wythnos hon! Bydd Dylan a’r tîm yn gweithio ar un cam o’r gwaith ar y tro, fydd yn cynnwys adnewyddu’r toiledau a’r gegin, gwella toeon ac inswleiddio, datblygu’r gwagle lle mae’r stabal yn sefyll ar hyn o bryd ac ati.

Diolch i Lywodraeth Cymru a Llywodraeth y DG am amrywiol grantiau i’n galluogi i ddechrau ar y prosiect adnewyddu.

Y newyddion da pellach yw ein bod yn rhagweld na fydd angen cau’r dafarn am unrhyw gyfnod yn ystod y gwaith adeiladu. Wedi dweud hynny, bydd angen hyblygrwydd yn ystod y gwaith felly byddwn yn addasu fel y bo’r angen. Am y tro, rydym yn bwriadu addasu’r oriau agor ychydig dros y misoedd nesaf i gyd-fynd â thymor yr haf. Felly o 8 Gorffennaf ymlaen dyma fydd oriau agor y Vale:

Nos Iau 7-11
Nos Wener 4-12
Dydd Sadwrn 3-1
Dydd Sul 3-10

Good news to share 07/07/2024

After a successful tender process, we can announce that a we have appointed a local company to renovate the Vale. Cartrefi’r Cwm will start this week! Dylan and the team will work on one stage at a time, which will include refurbishing the toilets and kitchen, improving roof and insulation, developing the stable etc.

A big thank you to the Welsh Government and the UK Government for various grants to enable us to start the renovation project.

The further good news is that we anticipate that the pub will not need to be closed for any period during the construction work. Having said that, flexibility will be required during the work so we will adjust as needed. For now, we intend to change the opening hours slightly over the next few months to coincide with the summer season. So from 8 July the Vale’s opening hours will be:

Thursday 7-11pm
Friday 4-12pm
Saturday 3pm-1am
Sunday 3-10pm

Cyfle i weithio yn y Vale, Hydref 2023 | Work opportunity, October 2023

Gŵyl Gwrw | Beer Festival

Paratoi i ailagor y Vale

Efallai ei bod hi’n ymddangos ein bod ni wedi bod yn eithriadol o dawel dros y 4 mis diwethaf – ers pan lwyddon ni i godi gwerth £380,000 mewn siârs er mwyn ailagor tafarn y Vale. Ond mae tipyn o waith wedi digwydd yn y cefndir! >> Darllen mwy

Preparations to reopen the Vale

It may seem that we have been extremely quiet over the last 4 months, since the 12th of December when we managed to smash our target and raise £380,000 as part of our efforts to reopen the Vale of Aeron as a community-owned pub. >> Read more

Blwyddyn newydd dda!

Mae wedi bod yn gyfnod cyffrous a hynod o brysur, a dyma ddiweddariad o ran ble mae pethau’n sefyll gyda Menter Y Vale. >> Darllen mwy

Happy New Year!

It has been an exciting and extremely busy time, and here is an update on where things stand with Menter Y Vale. >> Read more

Cyrraedd y targed / Reaching the target

Gyda’n gilydd rydyn ni wedi croesi’r targed a chodi digon o arian i brynu Tafarn Dyffryn Aeron. Diolch anferth i bawb sydd wedi cyfrannu a chefnogi yr ymgyrch. Byddwn yn cyhoeddi y cyfanswm terfynol yn ystod yr wythnos sydd i ddod, ac yn cysylltu gyda buddsoddwyr yn y flwyddyn newydd.

Together we have managed to surpass our target and have raised enough money to buy the Vale of Aeron. A huge thank you to all who have contributed and supported the campaign. We will publishing the exact amount raised during next week, and contacting investors in the New Year.

Cyfle olaf i fuddsoddi / A final opportunity to invest

Eich cyfle i fuddsoddi

Your chance to invest

Dewch draw i Neuadd Felin-fach ar ddydd Sadwrn 27ain o Dachwedd neu ar y nos Fercher wedyn, y 1af o Ragfyr.

Drop by Felinfach Memorial Hall on Saturday, November 27th or on the following Wednesday evening, December 1st.

Diwrnod cyntaf addawol

A promising first day

Codwyd £41,703 mewn un diwrnod ar ddiwrnod lansio y cynnig siârs! Roedd awrgylch arbennig tu fas y Vale brynhawn Sadwrn, Tachwedd 6ed, wrth i’r gymuned uno i roi dyfodol y dafarn yn ein dwylo ni. Mae tipyn o ffordd i fynd, ac mae 35 diwrnod arall tan y dyddiad cau. Gallwch gyfrannu nawr at ailagor y Vale fel tafarn sy’n eiddo i’r gymuned ar dudalen https://www.tafarn.cymru/siars-shares/

On the first day of the share offer on Saturday, November 6th we managed to raise £41,703! It was great to see more than 70 investors braving the rain to give the campaign a great start. There is some way to go to hit our target, and we have 35 days! You can invest now in the future of the Vale as a pub that is owned by the community by going to https://www.tafarn.cymru/siars-shares/

Y cyfle i fuddsoddi / The opportunity to invest

Dewch i gefn Tafarn y Vale am 2pm dydd Sadwrn, 06/11 i ddysgu mwy am y cynnig, ac i brynu eich siârs er mwyn rhoi dechrau da i’r ymgyrch.
Bydd gwydr peint Menter y Vale i’r 100 cynta sy’n buddsoddi!
Bydd modd i unrhyw un brynu siârs o 6 Tachwedd nes 12 Rhagfyr.

Everyone is welcome to join us at the Vale of Aeron car park on Saturday 06/11 at 2pm, to see the share offer details and invest, so that we can buy the pub as a co-op.
The first 100 shareholders will receive a free Menter y Vale pint glass!
The share offer will be open from 6 Nov until 12 December.


Gwibdaith Tafarn Dyffryn Aeron / The Vale of Aeron Roadshow – 25/09/2021

Datganiadau i’r wasg / Press releases