Gwybodaeth Menter Tafarn Dyffryn Aeron

Mae pawb sydd wedi prynu siâr yn Aelod o’r Gymdeithas ac mae hyn yn rhoi llais i chi ar sut mae’n cael ei rhedeg. Mae gan bob aelod un bleidlais, s’dim ots faint o siârs maen nhw wedi eu prynu.

Dyma’r dolenni ar gyfer darllen y Cynnig Cyfranddaliadau, Cynllun Busnes y prosiect, rhagolygon ariannol, a’r cofrestr risgiau.

Am fwy o wybodaeth cysylltwch â ni trwy anfon e-bost i

Menter Tafarn Dyffryn Aeron Information

Everybody that has bought a share is a Member of the Society, and this gives you a say in how it is run. Each member has one vote, no matter how many shares they own.

The following links will take you to the Share Offer, the project Business Plan, the financial forecast, and the risk register.

For further information please contact us through